Professional Services

  • Professional Coaching for Alignment

    As a Professional Coach, my mission it to support you in meaning and purpose. As a sensitive being, you get overwhelmed more easily, you may or may not understand your triggers, or feel disempowered to be yourself in this fast paced, overstimulating world. Contact me to find ways to calm your subtle energy system, to embrace your fabulous unique gifts, and to preserve your wellness and happiness. Personalized and group coaching opportunities are available.

  • Conscious Leadership

    As a Conscious Leader, you're aware of your authenticity. Your ability to be attuned to yourself and your organization is your greatest gift. Your intuition signals when you're working and living in sync with your passion and purpose. Your sensitivities guide you and your organization but you can overdo it, lose focus, and become burned out from compassion fatigue and working harder rather than smarter. Contact me to get assistance "being you" as a thriving leader within your world and/or organization or as a self-directed, wise warrior.

  • Professional Yoga & Meditation Instruction

    You are a Leader in Light and Love. You shine when you're in your authentic zone. You seek opportunities to get centered, reduce your stress, find yourself after a long day, and increase your joy and fulfillment. You're seeking opportunities to "turn off" for a bit and connect more with yourself, especially when your light begins to dim. It begins with your self-love and your self-care routine. Contact me if you need soul-utions to refuel and be present with yourself for your health and wellbeing.